Friday, October 12, 2018

Post 3: Music
I think that I have not a favorite type of music, I listen many styles and bands like Alice in Chais, Simple minds, Soundgarden, Sting, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Scorpions, Virus, Brock Ansiolítico, Carla Morrison, Villa Cariño, Elvys Crespo and a very long etc. Lately, I`ve heard a lot of "Virus", especially in the night when im going to shower, why? i dont know I just fun singing or maybe I associate the lyrics to some memory for example, when I listen "Black hole sun" or "Drive" I remember when, with a friend of mine called Daniela, go out to differents bar and we did not sing, we shouted all songs!! it was very funny. Now I miss her because she is in Concepción, she study there.

So, as you can read I listen to a variety of music but I think grunge and rock are what I hear most...actually I listening Kansas but I started listening to Dikanda (Gypsy music).

I hope not be the only who does not a favorite band because I think it is very difficult to enjoy one type of music....what about you? the same thing happens to you?

Friday, October 5, 2018

The best concert I´ve ever attended

Hi everyone! Im a little hesitant because I remember two great concerts, Pearl Jam in 2011 and Alice in Chains in 2015...maybe im hesitant because both are my favorite bands so I lose objectivity. The first one concert was in Estadio Monumental, I went wih my boyfriend and with two good friends of us, its funny because now I remember that we arrived very early to find each other but we got lose anyway, finally we find in the bathroom. I remember that i was very calm until the first chord sounded...i went crazy! jaja Eddie Vedder came on stage and i was screaming!! obviusly it was the emotion of the moment. 
I was so excited to see them so close, I was in the front row, but that also meant that I would be crushed most of the time so we decided to run a little more to the side where there was a group of women and for my luck, they were lower than me so I still had a good eyesight.